Have you ever had the desire to physically accomplish something but were unable to because you were afraid you'd hurt yourself?
If your answer is YES, then WE HAVE THE SOLUTION FOR YOU!
It all starts with strength! Strength comes from preparation and hard work.
Sure, you’re prepared and ready to work but what exactly should you do?
That’s where Wheeless Fitness comes in. We make sure you’re strong for life and all its challenges, it's what we call Functional Fitness!
Functional Fitness is a style of training that prioritizes safety above all other agendas. While looking good and losing weight are main derivatives of this style, performing your best and staying out of pain is the ultimate goal!
We accomplish this goal by coupling mobility movements with strength movements that apply to everyday life. We don't just start by lifting heavy weights, and running until our lungs give out. While these exercises have their place, a lot of tension will be placed on joints unintentionally and could end up being more detrimental than beneficial. Being able to move through a range of motion pain free and SAFELY is our first step. We focus on efficiency, safety, and overall body health (feeling better) to enable OUR BODIES to go out and do the things we have always dreamed of doing, and most importantly being able to do these things for years to come without fear or risk of injury.
Wouldn’t it be delightful to get up and go without having to worry about straining your back or hurting your knee, and chase after all your adventures?
Working out the Wheeless Way, I guarantee you will be.